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Beginning at the junior high level, students will work towards becoming skilled communicators in small-group learning activities. Students will participate in, collaborate in, and report on, small group activiites. They will also examine and critique the overall effectiveness of the group process. They will use grammatically correct language that is appropriate for the topic, audience, and purpose. In addition, students will analyze, produce, and examine similarities and differences between visual and verbal media messages.  

To Reference:

Respect yourself, your classmates, the teacher, and the classroom. I have a ZERO tolerance for bad behavior. 

Check yourself and your attitude at the door. Make sure you have all necessary materials. I will not stop instruction for you to catch up if you are unprepared.

You may have water in class. Food and other beverages are not allowed. Personal grooming is NOT allowed. It is not my job to pick up after you. Bottom line: You will be held accountable to keep the classroom clean. 

You are responsible for your own learning. Complete all assignments in a timely manner and contact me if you have any questions. Technology problems are not an excuse for missing work. Let me know BEFORE it's due. 

Cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off. 

© 2017 TKAAZ

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.  - William Shakespeare

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